An analysis of the instructional approaches implemented in the English Language and Literature Department of Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan to teach reading comprehension to first-year students.
A growing trend in the field of foreign language education is the priority of teaching reading as a receptive ability, while giving less focus to speaking, listening, and writing, which are considered productive abilities.A growing consensus among experts supports prioritising literacy education over other disciplines in foreign language teaching, with a specific focus on literacy. The act of reading is highly valuable as a fundamental skill since it has the potential to enhance the growth of language skills in youngsters. Reading is not just an enjoyable hobby and a means of gaining knowledge, but also a basic skill. Reading involves more than just memorising words and understanding each word used in a sentence. Literature has the potential to expand one's perspective on the world. Furthermore, as the course progresses, the practice allows learners to explore the author's intended meaning in greater depth. It is essential to practise understanding in order to overcome this hurdle. Hence, enhancing pupils' proficiency in comprehending written content is a fundamental objective of English language instruction. Once students become skilled in reading comprehension, they are given the chance to actively interact with academic material and pursue their own interests in a wide range of subjects. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritise the importance of pupils fully understanding the material they read across the entire teaching process.
Keywords: Real life: teaching first-year kids how to understand what they read